How to Apply for Tajikistan Visa in Pakistan 2023?

Tajikistan is a beautiful mountainous country in Central Asia bordering Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. I have visited Tajikistan twice and found it to be one of the best places on Earth. If you are a Pakistani passport holder planning to visit Tajikistan in 2023, you must obtain a visa in advance. I will share the process with you.

How to Apply for Tajikistan Visa in Pakistan

Types of Tajikistan Visas in Pakistan

There are multiple types of visas for Pakistani citizens. Tajikistan has an embassy in Islamabad that issues visit visas, student, business, and official visas to Pakistani citizens. In addition to these visa types, Tajikistan also issues a sticker visa on your passport and evisa online that’s also called a paper visa. I will share the process for both visas. Each visa has different requirements but generally, the requirements are very minimal.

Generally, when I have a combined tour of Central Asia then I also include Tajikistan in the itinerary as it’s very cost-effective when visiting multiple countries at the same time. I have already visited Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan during my Central Asian tour.

How to Apply for Tajikistan Visa in Pakistan?

If you are applying for a sticker visa at the Tajikistan embassy in Islamabad then you will need to provide the following documents in order to obtain a sticker visa:

  1. Passport valid for 6 months
  2. Passport size photograph
  3. Copy of passport & CNIC
  4. Hotel booking
  5. Flight booking

If you are lucky then you will get the visa on the same day. The visa fee is $50 USD which has to be paid in cash at the embassy (this is the official embassy fee, if you are applying through a travel agency then the visa may cost you $150 to $200 USD). The location of the Tajikistan embassy in Islamabad is the one mentioned below:

Ramna 4 Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan

Google map location:

How to Apply for Tajikistan Visa in Pakistan

How to Get Tajikistan eVisa in Pakistan?

The more easy way is to apply Evisa of Tajikistan online which is easy to get and hassle-free. You need to visit this website to apply for a visa to Tajikistan. You can apply for any type of visa on this official website including student, humanitarian, official, business, and journalistic visas. You will have to upload a few basic documents such as a passport copy, photo, hotel booking, and flight reservation in order to obtain this visa online.

I have personally obtained this visa twice when I visited Tajikistan. The process was very smooth for me and it took exactly 3 working days for the evisa to arrive in my email inbox. If you face difficulty while obtaining this evisa online then we can help you with this visa. We will charge you a small fee and you will get the visa without making any error in the application.

tajikistan evisa on pakistani passport

Frequently Asked Questions About Tajikistan Visa in Pakistan

How much is the visa for Tajikistan from Pakistan?

The cost of a Tajikistan visa is $50 to $100 USD depending on the travel agency you are dealing with. You can also get an eVisa of Tajikistan for almost the same price as a sticker visa in Pakistan.

How can I get a Tajikistan visa online in Pakistan?

You can get a Tajikistan visa online by visiting this official website and apply for an evisa to the Republic of Tajkistan.

Do Pakistanis need visa for Tajikistan?

Yes. A Tajikistan visa is required for Pakistani citizens and they must apply for a Tajikistan sticker visa at the embassy or evisa online before starting their journey to Tajikistan. It’s not a visa free country for Pakistani passport holders.

Is Tajikistan safe for Pakistani tourists?

Yes. Tajikistan is a very safe country and it’s equally safe for Pakistani citizens. You can also visit Tajikistan as a female tourist and there should be no issue in Tajikistan even for female tourists.

Can I visit Tajikistan by road from Pakistan?

Yes, it’s possible. You have to travel through Afghanistan in order to reach Tajikistan by road from Pakistan. Currently, this route is generally safe and you should be fine.

Note: If you need visa consultancy about any country then we offer a paid consultancy by WhatsApp or Zoom in which you will be able to talk to Mr. Abdul Wali for 30 minutes and explain your situation. You can book an appointment for visa consultancy by contacting us via email ( or by messaging us on WhatsApp: +923112127101.