How to Apply for Russia Visa in Pakistan 2023?

Russia is a beautiful country and the largest country in the world by land area spread out between two continents i.e Asia and Europe. Pakistanis planning to visit Russia will need to apply for a Russian visa and I’m here to guide you through the process of how to apply for Russia visa in Pakistan in 2023. It’s not visa free for Pakistani passport holders.

How to Apply for Russia Visa in Pakistan

How to Apply for Russia Visa in Pakistan?

In order to apply for a Russian visa, you have to go to the embassy in Islamabad and apply for the visa. They offer many types of visas such as tourist visas, humanitarian visas, student visas, business visas, and official visas for government servants. You have to select your visa type before you collect the required documents for a Russian visa in Pakistan.

One should apply personally at the Consular Department.

The Visa Application form is to be filled in by the Applicant online After filling out the form, the system will allow you to download and print it. The application form must be printed on an A4 page (210×297 mm). Open the file in Adobe Reader, use “FILE” menu, then “Print”. In a new Printing window in “Page handling” check the next options: In page scaling choose NONE, do not mark “Auto-rotate and center”. The applicant should sign the form personally.

Documents Required for Russia Visa in Pakistan

1.Passport: The passport must be valid no less than 6 months after the date of visa expiry. It should contain at least two blank pages (one two-page opening). The signature or the thumb impression of the bearer should be on page 2 of a Pakistani passport. If an applicant has previous passports, he should submit all of them. If a previous passport was lost, FIR in the English language from the nearest police station should be attached.

2. Photo: the photo, stuck to the application form should be 3.5 x 4.5 cm on a white background and not bigger than the frame on the application form (NOT STAPPLED, BUT GLUED). Application form borders should be 0.5 cm (sample), otherwise, the application will be rejected.

3. Tourist confirmation – an official invitation from a Russian tour operator (good quality scanned copies are accepted). (We can arrange this for you)

This document – confirmation of acceptance of a foreign tourist – must be issued on the official letterhead of an organization that is officially carrying out tour operator activities in Russia and is registered in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators under a valid MBT reference number. Confirmation must contain the following information:

  1. Surname and name (s) in full accordance with the passport data, as well as the date of birth, gender, passport number, and citizenship of the foreign citizen
  2. Date of entry into the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation
  3. Number of entries * and purpose of visit (tourism)
  4. Itinerary and accommodation details, list of paid tourist services (transport, accommodation, excursions, etc.)
  5. Name and full address of the host tourist organization, as well as its reference (MBT) number according to the Unified Register of Tourism Organization
  6. A signature, title of the authorized employee, and seal of the organization, together with the date on which the confirmation was issued.

4. Confirmed Flight Booking

5. Confirmed Hotel Booking

6. Police Character Certificate

7. Bank statements for the Last 6 Months

8. Family Registration Certificate & MRC

9. Employment Letter or Business Document

10. NTN and tax returns of the last 2 years

11. Pay slips for the last 3 months

All the documents should be stapled in the same sequence as they are mentioned on this website. Visa processing fees received from the applicant are not subject to reimbursement in case of subsequent refusal.

When applying for a visa, please, be advised that permission to enter the Russian Federation is a courtesy of the State. Entry can be denied to visitors despite having a valid visa.

In accordance with International Law, the Consular Department in certain cases reserves the right to consider your visa applications as long as it feels necessary.

The visa can be denied if the Consular Department has serious reasons to believe that the Applicant’s visit to the Russian Federation is not desirable, and the disclosure of the reason for the denial can be withheld.

Note: If you can’t get an invitation letter for a Russian visa then we can arrange an invitation letter for you from our partner agency in Russia. Please contact us by email or WhatsApp so we can send you the details and price for the Russian visa invitation letter. This is the most important document required for a Russian visa in Pakistan.

How to Apply for Russia Visa in Pakistan

Source: Russian Embassy in Pakistan

Russian Visa Fees in Pakistan

Single entry visa – Rs. 16000 (issued in one week after the application date EXCEPT TOURIST VISA).
URGENT Single entry visa – Rs. 32000 (issued in 1-3 next working days EXCEPT TOURIST VISA).
Double entry visa – Rs. 25600 (issued in one week after the application date EXCEPT for TOURIST VISA)
URGENT Double entry visa – Rs. 51200 (issued in 1-3 next working days EXCEPT TOURIST VISA).
Multiple entry visa – Rs. 48000 (issued in one week after the application date EXCEPT TOURIST VISA).
URGENT Multiple entry visa – Rs. 96000 (issued in 1-3 next working days EXCEPT TOURIST VISA).

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Russian Visa in Pakistan

How much is a visa for Russia from Pakistan?

The fee depends on the type of visa and the cost of an invitation letter. However, you can generally think of the official visa fee which is Rs.32,000 for a single entry tourist visa in Pakistan.

How long does it take to get a visa for Russia from Pakistan?

It again depends on case to case. In most cases with an invitation letter from Russia, it shouldn’t take more than a week for the visa to be issued by the embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Can I go to Russia on Pakistani passport?

Yes of course. You can go to Russia on a Pakistani passport but you have to apply for a tourist or business visa in order to go to Russia.

Is Russia visa open for Pakistan?

Yes. Russia visa is now fully open for Pakistani citizens. It was suspended during the covid-19 but now it’s open.

Does Russia have Embassy in Pakistan?

Yes. Russia has a working embassy in Islamabad Pakistan.

Note: If you need visa consultancy about Russia visa then I offer a paid consultancy by WhatsApp or Zoom in which you will be able to talk to me for 30 minutes and explain your situation. You can book an appointment for visa consultancy by contacting us via email ( or by messaging us on WhatsApp: +923112127101.